jquery check ie version

2013年2月20日 - Today we have brought together every method we know of how to check the version of Internet Explorer using JavaScript and jQuery.

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  • OK, I thought I would bring together every method I know of checking the version of Intern...
    5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScriptjQuery — SitePo ...
  • 2013年2月20日 - Today we have brought together every method we know of how to check the vers...
    5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScriptjQuery — SitePoint
  • Any problem with jQuery in the above browsers should be reported as a bug in jQuery. (Curr...
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  • Detect IE version with JavaScript. Updated to recognize Internet Explorer 12 and the new E...
    Detect Internet Explorer (IE) up to version 11 and Edge (12+) - CodePen
  • Updated to recognize Internet Explorer 12 and the new Edge browser.... Detect Internet Exp...
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  • 2015年8月1日 - Also check out this page for the latest IE and Edge user agent strings .... d...
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  • 2011年4月7日 - What would be your fastest, shortest (best) way to detect browser which is IE...
    internet explorer - Best way to check for IE less than 9 in JavaScript ...
  • 2012年6月9日 - And here's the full-fat code for everyone else } }(jQuery)); ... if (isIE...
    internet explorer - Detect IE version (prior to v9) in JavaScript - Stack ...
  • I am calling a function like the one below by click on divs with a certain class. Is there...
    javascript - Check if user is using IE with jQuery - Stack ...
  • 2013年11月15日 - detect IE * returns version of IE or false, if browser is not Internet Expl...
    javascript - Check if user is using IE with jQuery - Stack Overflow
  • I need to detect not only the browser type but version as well using jQuery. Mostly I need...
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  • 2010年2月4日 - It is documented in jQuery API Documentation. Check for Internet Explorer wit...
    javascript - How do I detect IE 8 with jQuery? - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年2月24日 - If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then: // ie === undef...
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  • 2010年11月19日 - In your case, if you really need to detect IE, don't do it the way you&...
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  • jQuery 从 1.9 版开始,移除了 $.browser 和 $.browser.version , 取而代之的是 $.support 。 ... 不再支持 IE 6/7/8。...
    jQuery 1.9 移除了 $.browser 的替代方法 – Fwolf's Blog
  • Use jQuery to check your browser version in just a few lines of code you can optimise code...
    jQuery Check Browser Version — SitePoint
  • How to check jQuery version? Saturday, February 07, 2009 Tags: howto, insights, jquery, re...
    jQuery Howto: How to check jQuery version? ...
  • The $.browser property provides information about the web browser that is accessing the pa...
    jQuery.browser | jQuery API Documentation
  • search Search jQuery API Documentation Category: Version Also in: Traversing > Miscella...
    Version | jQuery API Documentation